Saturday, June 11, 2011

Hard at Work

Double post today! Our work these past few days has kept us too busy to make it to the local internet spot but we are making it up now. We've had a lot of progress. After a day in Kumasi gathering materials and meeting with some local contacts, we made it back out to Patriensa in time to have a quick team meeting before crashing in bed. Rising at sunset has been a hard transition! Today was incredibly productive. We started the day with a meeting with the local sawmill owner, who granted us permission to use the facility to work. We set to work early, where we were joined by several interested men that were on the grounds. After some curious watching from afar, we shook some hands and had some very helpful volunteers swinging hammers with us. It has been incredible how many people have been willing to lend a complete stranger a hand, no matter how strange the task. This continues to remind us how friendly and open Ghana is, and for that we are very thankful. The work continues tomorrow, with lent community tools and welcoming greetings. Updates in a few days!

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